Wednesday, January 03, 2007



Supervisors are the most important people of any organization. As front-line managers, they are involved in motivating workers to achieve the overall objectives of the company. They are also responsible to communicate the top management』s vision and policies to the workers.

Additionally, as the spokesperson of the people working under their supervision, they are responsible to bring up the workers』 problems and suggestions to the top management. In this way, they act as cementing agent bringing together the top management and workers so that the organization』s objectives are achieved.
During numerous supervisory level training programmes, one of the exercises I always do so is to ask the participants to identify the qualities of a good supervisor. Surprisingly, most of these participants come up with some common qualities, which are elaborated below:

Know Their Job

One of the key qualities considered to make an ideal supervisor is the possession of through knowledge of his or her job. A supervisor who lacks the knowledge about his job will not be able to command the respect of the workers working under them.

Make Things Happen
No matter how difficult or challenging the task at hand may be, a good supervisor will try his or her best to make things happen. When others get frightened or scared at the task at hand, a good supervisor will make optimum use of all the available resources to solve the problems and achieve the desired results.
An ideal supervisor is a highly resourceful person who at times of problems looks for innovative ways to arrange both internal and external resources for solving the problem.

Committed and Responsible
There are no better feelings for a manager than the confidence that the job assigned to a supervisor will be completed and carried out as desired. Most employees look for and value supervisors who are committed to the company』s vision, goals and tasks.
A great supervisor takes personal responsibility for achieving the company』s vision, goals and completing routine tasks.

A Good Communicator
An excellent supervisor possesses or acquires good communication skills to convince others to do what he or she wants them to do. Giving his clear instructions, explaining the rationale of the job, guiding how the job needs to be done and presenting complex ideas in simple words are some of the duties which require excellent communication skills which every supervisor must possess.

Respectful and Courteous
Polite and courteous treatment of workers is another trait of a good supervisor. Each human being, no matter who they are or what they do deserve respect and humane treatment. With this attitude, a supervisor can achieve extraordinary results from the so-called ordinary workers.

Spokesperson for the Workers
Most of the time the only person who can communicate the problems and ideas of the workers to the middle and top management is the supervisor.
A supervisor should always bring up the workers problems to the higher management for solutions. They should also inform the top management the good performance of the workers and avoid taking credit for anything.

Develop People
Traditionally, most of the workers are either illiterate or less educated. This doesn』t mean that they lack potential or cannot improve themselves. Their present state could be due to the socioeconomic environment around which they were brought up. However, they should not be left to remain the same.

They should be trained, educated and developed to become better persons, and the ultimate responsibility for this noble task lies with the supervisor. As one of the most important persons in any organization, every supervisor should acquire the abovementioned qualities. This will enable them to perform their duties professionally.

Equipped with these qualities, they will earn the respect of their workers and get recognition from the top management. It is thus recommended to everyone involved in supervision to acquire these qualities in order to become an ideal supervisor.

objective (AIM) noun [C]something which you plan to do or achieve:
Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.
Can the sales force achieve/meet its financial objectives?

elaborate (DETAILED) adjectivecontaining a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts:
You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didn't quite believe him.

optimum adjective [before noun] (ALSO optimal)
best; most likely to bring success or advantage:
A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment.

commit (PROMISE) verb [I or T] -tt-
1 to promise or give your loyalty, time or money to a particular principle, person or plan of action:
[R] Like so many men, he has problems committing himself to a relationship.
The government must commit itself to improving health care.
Once we have committed to this course of action there is no going back.

commit yourself ,to express an opinion or to make a decision that you tell people about:I think I can come but I won't commit myself till I know for sure.

rationale noun [C or U] FORMAL
the reasons or intentions for a particular set of thoughts or actions:
I don't understand the rationale behind the council's housing policy.

courteous adjective polite and respectful; well-mannered:
Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous.
courteously adverb
He's always behaved courteously toward my family.

noble (MORAL) adjectivemoral in an honest, brave and not selfish way:
a noble gesture/ His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.

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