Saturday, April 14, 2007

Teacher Talking Time

Teacher Talking Time : Part One

At one time teacher talking time (TTT) was seen as being inevitably counterproductive and something to be limited as much as possible. Why? There are five main arguments against it :

Teacher Talking Time : Part Two

In the first part of this article I looked at the reasons why teacher talking time (TTT) can be counterproductive if used to excess and unthinkingly. But there’s another side to the coin : used intelligently TTT can also be a useful aid to learning. How?

Teacher Talking Time : Part Three

In the first part of this article we looked at some of the disadvantages of too much “traditional” teacher talk in the classroom, and in particular the way that it will inevitably distort natural discourse patterns. Classroom discourse has rules of its own, which are not those of normal conversation.

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